SHA's Angeline named Best High School Yearbook in the State of KY
Breaking news! For the second year in a row, the SHA yearbook was named the best high school yearbook in the state of Kentucky at the WKU Mark of Excellence contest!
The Angeline won 8 individual awards:
• Sports spread: 1st place
• Student life spread: 1st place
• Organizations spread: 1st place
• Division page spread: 1st place
• Sports action photo: 3rd place
• Overall layout and design: 1st place
• Theme development: 1st place
• Best overall yearbook: 1st place
Advisor Allie Teta said, "I’m so proud of the incredible staff we had last year. Creating a 224-page yearbook can be challenging under even the best of circumstances… and somehow they managed to finish this yearbook during a global pandemic!"
Congratulations to Ms. Teta and the 2020 Yearbook Staff:
Bella Cockerham
Emma Johnson
Madison Gilkey
Allie Knight
Anna Lococo
Elise Overlin
Emma Coffey
Jade Popham
Anna Pfeifer
Mary Warren