Student Life » Traditions




Founded in 1877 by the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, Sacred Heart Academy has established many special traditions that bond even our newest Valkyries with the distinguished alumnae of our past.



Senior Prom

This unique and treasured tradition dates back to World War I and II. Senior prom is a formal dance hosted in December. It was difficult to find dates during wartime because so many young men were enlisted in the military. Therefore, senior prom was scheduled around Christmas when the soldiers would be home on leave. This unique tradition has lasted through the decades and is a highlight for our senior class. Since the Prom is in December, the seniors also wear their prom dresses to the Father-Daughter Dance in the spring!




During the Freshman Mass, seniors present each freshman with a single red rose to symbolize the beginning of their journey as a Valkyrie. Upon graduation, graduates carry a bouquet of red roses to embody all they have gained at SHA. At the end of the ceremony, graduates tear off roses petals and throw them into the air to celebrate instead of throwing their caps. "Miss Sacred Heart," a special, chosen member of the graduating class, has the honor of leading her class in turning tassels and tossing the roses.



Junior Ring Ceremony

SHA students receive their class rings in March or April of their junior year. At the ring ceremony, each junior is presented with her ring by a special female role model in her life. The ceremony focuses on their responsibility to serve as the senior leaders in the coming year. The juniors can spend the rest of the day with their families and friends. The celebration continues into the evening as students attend their junior prom. 




Why be just a girl when you can be a Valkyrie? Our mascot is the Valkyrie – a Norse mythological woman who carried the bodies of brave deceased warriors to Valhalla (heaven). At SHA, a Valkyrie is a strong woman of great faith, and Valkyrie Nation is a sisterhood like no other!


Dear Sacred Heart
While visiting the Ursuline Campus in the 1940s, Father Daniel Lord composed the school song, Dear Sacred Heart. Generations of Valkyries have locked arms, singing Dear Sacred Heart, with current Valkyries singing it at the end of every Mass, and many assemblies, pep rallies, and state championship wins.

Dear Sacred Heart Lyrics