Sacred Heart Academy Students Win Ursuline Service Award

SHA recipients were Claire Saylor ‘19, Margaret Cunningham ‘19, Emily Hilbrecht ‘20, Sophie Burzynski ’19, and Emmie Jackson ‘19.


Cunningham and Saylor are involved with a local non-profit called Her Best Foot Forward which provides an opportunity for women in Tanzania to share their hand bearded sandals and other handiwork with people in the United States, helping them to receive a fair wage, clean water, healthcare and education. Jackson volunteers as a counselor at 4-H Camp and participates in a variety of 4-H service projects, setting a positive example and encouraging young girls to try new things and be their best selves. Burzynski serves at Sproutlings Pediatric Daycare and Camp Piomingo encouraging children to work to do their best regardless of their abilities or special needs and to know they are loved for their own unique qualities. Hilbrecht volunteers in many facets in the performing arts community including teaching a ballet class to preschool dancers with Downs Syndrome at JoAnn Fryrear School of Dance, serving as a choreographer and makeup artist in the theater department at Holy Trinity Parish School and interning at acting camps with StageOne Family Theater.


This is the twenty-fifth year UEN has honored students in member schools who have performed exemplary service. Promoting service as a core value in Ursuline Education, UEN offers this program to recognize Ursuline students who are highly committed to service and to facilitate the sharing of inspiring ideas for service across the Ursuline network.  


A special issue of our UEN newsletter, Laurel Links: Ursuline Students Making a Difference will feature the students and a summary of their service activities and will be available on the UEN website in February 2019.