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April 17 Sophomore Retreat Reservation Form

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By completing this form, you are reserving a spot for your daughter on the retreat named above. 

Please do not complete more than one form.

If you need to switch your retreat date, email the retreat director at [email protected] to inform her of the desired change. 

By signing my name below, I indicate that I understand and agree with the following: 

  • I give permission for my daughter to attend her off-campus retreat.

  • In consideration of the making of arrangements for this activity by Sacred Heart Academy, I hereby release and save harmless the school of Sacred Heart Academy, Louisville, Kentucky, and any and all personnel of Sacred Heart Academy from any and all liability for any injuries, loss, or other claims arising out of or resulting from this trip and activity.

  • We understand and support the fact that the student must comply with the directions given by the Academy to the group involved in the activity

  • Cancellation fee: I understand that I will be charged a non-refundable cancellation fee if I/my daughter cancels her retreat less than 7 calendar days before the first day of retreat. The amount of the fee is dependent on the grade level and type of retreat. Cancellation fees will be collected via FACTS. 
Emergency Medical Treatment Approval*
Answer Required

Please Fill In Parental Information Below

Answer Required

Please Fill In Insurance Information Below


If applicable, I also request that Sacred Heart Academy authorized personnel administer the above medication to my daughter as indicated above.  My daughter and I understand that it is her responsibility to ask for the medication at the appropriate time.  I understand that school personnel are under NO obligation to remember to administer the medication.  I understand that the medication must be in the original container with the dosage correctly labeled.  I understand that SHA personnel will not administer any medication in which the dosage is not indicated on the container.

I agree to release and save harmless any and all SHA personnel and authorized chaperones from any and all harm or damages that may happen to my daughter as a result of this request for administering medication or performing basic first aid for my daughter while she is on this trip

Administration of Medicines Approval*
Answer Required
Confirmation Email